He had some questions. He wondered if there was an edge to the universe. He knew it was expanding, always expanding. But way far out there, was there an edge, that you could fall off of? And what if the universe is just part of something even bigger? And all the stars were like grains of sand. Would its inhabitants be able to predict the future of earthlings, the way we can predict the behavior of atoms, when we split them? Can the flapping of a butterfly wing on a beautiful summer day cause turbulence in a heart? Does anyone know that there’s a star (called Sagittarius A star) dancing around a black hole in the center of our galaxy? If a powerful flare flashed out of the sun and caused a current to run through the earth and all the lights on the earth were dimmed, would the rhythms and desires of women's bodies once again be ruled by the moon? The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion (inertia) varies with the mass (according ...